Diploma in Logistics and Material Management

This Great Program Provides Tuition On The Wide Range Of Activities Involved In Modern Logistics, Materials Handling And Supply Chain Management, Including: Physical Distribution, Materials Management, Transportation, Facilitating, Customer Service, Procurement, Order Processing, Purchasing, Warehousing, Inventory Control, Order Picking And Marshalling, Packing And Despatch, Logistics Project Management,

The Program focuses on planning, organising and controlling Logistics, Materials & Supply Chain Management activities – key elements for successful management in any enterprise – and it covers strategic planning and decision-making as an important part of the management process.  The Program is ideal for managers and personnel of all levels who are involved in logistics activities or in ensuring that products and services are made available to customers (or clients or intended recipients) at the time and place, and in the condition and form desired, in an efficient, profitable and cost-effective way. 


Materials management and logistics is the process which integrates the flow of supplies into, through and out of an organization to achieve a level of service which ensures that the right materials are available at the right place at the time in the right quantity and quality and at the right cost.

Acquired Skills

The degree will provide the student with an overall understanding and knowledge of the theory and tools necessary to acquire, transport, store and manage raw materials and finished goods in a global economy. Students learn about the latest technology used in logistics, supply chain management and risk management systems as well as manufacturing operations, transporting, distributing and purchasing.

Potential Employers

Government Agencies; Customs; Brokers; Hospital Systems; Retail; Grocery Stores; Procurement Manager; Warehouse Manager; Educational Institutions; and Enterprises form the private sector are only some of the multiple potential employers for students who choose to major in Materials Management and Logistics.

Related Careers

Management, Logistician, Transportation, Engineering, Analyst, Consultant, Customer Service Manager, International Logistics Manager, Inventory Control Manager, Logistics Engineer, Logistics Manager, Logistics Services Salesperson, Logistics Software Manager, and Materials Manager.

Course Details :

Bangladesh Institute of Supply Chain Management (BISCM), under BISCM Foundation Professional Diploma in Logistics and Material Management (PD-LMM)|

Course materials: All course materials are prepared by BIHRM Faculty/Research associates & will be provided from institute

Course Modules:

Duration  3-4 month, Credits:  18 credit hour, Each Module 1.5 credit hour

Module 1: International Logistics
Module 2: Material & Warehouse Management
Module 3: Transportation Management
Module 4: Production & Operation Management
Module 5: Inventory Management
Module 6: Distribution Management

Business Report and Viva

Schdule: Friday class:

Farmgate. April & October session
Uttara: January & July session every year

Please contact for details:01731822888, 01713680709

Sharfuddin Lisan
BBA, MBA in Supply Chain(Canada), PGDSCM(Malaysia),
Coordinator, Supply chain-PGDSCM